- Earth Share of Washington - Manages workplace giving campaigns for national environmental charities.
- The Environmental Exchange, Whatcom county, WA - References on recycling, environmental businesses, government agencies and public interest groups in Whatcom county, Washington
- Mount Rainier National Park Associates - Environmental "watchdog" organization for Mount Rainier National Park since 1985
- North Cascades Conservation Council - Environmental "watchdog" organization for the North Cascades and the National Park Complex since 1957
- Northwest Environment Watch - Northwest Environment Watch's mission is to foster a sustainable economy in the Northwest to provide an example for the world.
- Olympic Park Associates - Environmental "watchdog" organization for Olympic National Park since 1948
- ONE/Northwest: Online Networking for the Environment - We help people in the Northwest use the power of electronic networking to protect the environment
- People for the Preservation of the Tualco Valley - PPTV is a group of citizens committed to preserving the rural character of the Tualco Valley, Monroe, Washington State.
- Puget Sound Green Pages - Internet links for the Puget Sound environmental community in Northwest Washington State
- Seattle Rainforest Action Group - A community based action group dedicated to the Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration of temperate and Tropical rainforests world wide.