- Automated Review Management System
- Charleston District Regulatory Branch - Corps of Engineers regulatory program in South Carolina
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL).
- Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (CERL).
- Corps of Engineers RAMS/Regulatory Home Page U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Inland River Navigation
- South Atlantic Division, US Army Corps of Engineers - The Corps of Engineers regulates wetland activities and provides environmental planning, engineering and operational management support to civil and military organizations.
- St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers - Provides engineering solutions to environmental problems in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and northern Iowa: environmental restoration (EMP) projects on Mississippi River; navigation, etc
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Library Homepage - Libraries for the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Links to Federal and Environmental sites, including U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Homepage.
- Waterways Experiment Station (WES)