- 1996 Baseline Environmental Management Report - The Office of Environmental Management is responsible for cleaning up the legacy of nuclear weapons production.
- U.S. Department of Energy
- Building Technologies Program - DOE lab, energy efficient building technologies research
- Center for Environmental Management - Our mission is to establish a stronger partnership between the Department of Energy and its Stakeholders.
- EIA's Environmental Activities - The Energy Information Administration is the statistical, analytical and data-colection arm of the US. Department of Energy
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
- Energy Information Administration (EIA)
- Environmental Management Science Program - Establishing, managing and directing targeted long-term basic research on Environmental Management problems to significantly reduce long-term cleanup costs and risks. Department of Energy.
- Environment, Safety, and Health
- Grand Junction Projects Office - The Grand Junction Projects Office provides scientific, technical, and project management skills to support national environmental restoration and energy programs.
- HAZWRAP-Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program - HAZWRAP, a Department of Energy program, was founded to assist federal, state, and local agencies with the challenges presented by environmental issues.
- Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) Waste Treatment and Minimization Science and Technology Group (CST-18) - Scientists in CST-18 are working on research in bioremediation, waste treatment and other areas of environmental science (especially chemistry).
- NEPA Web In October 1994, the U.S. Department of Energy made its corporate environmental policy Web site available to enhance opportunities for public involvement in federal planning and decision making on agency proposals.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Environmental Sciences Division
- ORNL Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section - The Environmental Analysis and Assessment Section of Oak Ridge National Laboratory performs analyses and assessments related to NEPA compliance, risk assessments and safety analysis, emergency preparedness and response, environmental restoration, and radioactive waste management.
- Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (EPIC) was developed by the DOE Office of Energy Research to provide information on pollution prevention-related topics such as laws, regulations, project summaries, training, workshops, databases, guidance documents, and links to other sources of information.
- Savannah River Site Home Page - This Department of Energy facility develops and deploys technologies to clean up industrial and nuclear wastes.