- Abaca Herbs & Coffee - Purveyors of 7000+ medicinal herbs, aromatherapy & homeopathy solutions, coffee & more.
- Alternative Health Insurance - Health plans that include coverage for alternative and natural therapies. Choose any doctor.
- Alternative Medicine, Health, Wellness - Santa Fe's alternative healing scene. Local massage, acupuncture, yoga, transpersonal psychology, hypnosis schools. Links, events, people
- Alternative Medicine Network - Thinking Person's Guide To Perfect Health
- AltHealth Search - Alternative medicine referral service that locates a provider in your area. Detailed information about practitioners to make a selection.
- American Botanical Council - A non-profit research and education organization dedicated to educating the public on the use of herbs and phytomedicinals
- Asthma Solutions--Maharishi Vedic Health Center - #1 holistic program for Asthma; comprehensive, natural law, herbs and techniques to restore balance
- Ayurvedic Foundations Web site - Supporting health & wellness though the use of Ayurveda
- Belemintl - Committed to increasing awareness of health alternatives.
- Center for Empirical Medicine - A publishing and lobbying organization, CEM promotes alternative medicine: homeopathy, acupuncture and chiropractic.
- Chiropractic websites - Perfect Patients is a full service website design and development company for chiropractors who want to increase new patients through internet marketing. Perfect Patients also provides domain registration, SEO, marketing and full customer service.
- College of Maharishi Ayur-Veda - Emphasis on prevention, full development of/balancing the mind, body, behavior, and environment
- Complementary Health Network BioMed Health Services - Chelation Therapy and many more Alternative medicine practices.
- Dr. Burke's Holistic Health Center - Holistic Programs: Candida & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Parasite Cleansing, Carpal Tunnel, Fibromyalgia, Dysbiosis. Chinese Herbs, Homeopathics, Vitamins, Supplements, more - listed by Illness
- Health in Motion Intro Page - Educating people to the holistic approach to health
- Health, Longevity & Everlasting Life - Natural Health Solutions - Individual researcher of alternative medicine
- Healthy Alternatives - Publishers of books and periodicals on the Internet. Includes articles on health and wellness.
- Healthy & Nautral Magazine Online - Editorial coverage of environmental & consumer activism info about natural & organic products & foods alternative remedies, herbs & supplements.
- Herbal products - Herbal products for natural healing. Distributor and Independent Advisor of Shaperite Concepts LTD. Free info packet on herbs.
- HerbWeb - Explore herbal medicine through a saturated web of hyperlinks - 500 herbs from the 21,000 species HerbWeb.
- Holistic Directory for Arizona - Helps individuals locate holistic practioners near them.
- Infomedix - Publisher of "Prevention and Therapy of Cancer and Other Common Diseases: Alternative and Traditional Approaches."
- LIFE Alkaline Water Ionizers - LIFE Alkaline mineral water ionizers make healthy ionized alkaline water with acid-fighting alkalinity and age-fighting antioxidant potential. Alkaline water from a water ionizer is a healthy choice for: Weight loss, detoxification, bone health, digestive health and more. Help save the environment and your health by making and bottling your own alkaline water instead of drinking bottled alkaline water. LIFE water ionizers come with custom filtration to protect you from waterborne toxins, and are 100% BPA free. LIFE can finance a water ionizer for less than you may be paying for bottled water per month right now.
- Mystic Gateway - Hostic Center - Information on Alternative & Complementary Medicine, holistic political news, personal healing & growth. Classes, Over 40 Articles, resources, links & more.
- Natural Healthcare - Although pain is common, it's not normal. Learning and understanding about your pain can make good future health decisions easier. Choose Natural is your resource for a natural health information on a variety of health topics.
- Natural Health Expo Online - Information Source for Natural, Alternative, and Holistic Health.
- New Frontier Magazine - A holistic health magazine addressing human consciousness as the root of healing
- North American Spine - North American Spine provides minimally laser spine surgery for back pain relief. Our unique approach and equipment allows us to treat multiple lumbar levels in a single procedure called AccuraScope, with a single incision. Our physicians are all board-certified, with specialty training in Interventional Pain Management. Our procedures are a significant, yet natural, evolution of pain management techniques they have been practicing for decades.
- The Seven Veils - This site is dedicated to the Chakra energy system.
- The Share Guide - Holistic Health Journal & Resource Directory
- Spirit Technologies Inc. - Compound X, a Native American Healing Formula, over one hundred years old, for an ailing civilization today.
- Tolpa Norway Ltd. - How to rebuild your immune system after/duering long illnesses, or relieve cronic illnesses in a natural way.
- The World Chiropractic Alliance - The newsletter HealthWatch consolidates dangers the pharmaceutical interests don't want you to know. The book Chiropractic First reveals why Americans are choosing chiropractic before drugs and surgery. This critical information could save your life.
- Zero in on Global Health - Information and links to all Holistic/holopathic/natural & non-invasive approaches to maintaining and enhancing health and well being