Home / Health / Vegetarianism
  • Canada EarthSave Society - EarthSave is an educational non-profit society promoting awareness of the environmental, ethical and health consequences of our food choices.
  • Cybervillage Vegatopia - Cybervillage in Holland dedicated to vegetarianism and animal rights (in Dutch)
  • Dining on the Wilds video course on wild edible plants - Learning nature through wild edible plants
  • European Vegetarian Union - - the 'umbrella' organisation for all European vegetarian groups.
  • Glasgow Vegan Network - An informal network of vegans in Glasgow, Scotland. The home page has contact details and relevant links.
  • Green Cuisine - Green Cuisine is a guide to vegetarian dining in the Seattle and Puget Sound region.
  • HerbWeb - A Home Page for Herbivores
  • How to become a Fruitarian - Fruit is a "given" food it's light, and cleanses your system. Fruit diet info as a freely downloadable text.
  • International Vegetarian Union - - the worldwide 'umbrella' organisation for all vegetarian societies.
  • MIT - Vegetarian Support Group Discussion and action on MIT campus and worldwide vegetarian issues.
  • Natural Flavors Conscious Cusine - Vegan cusine, vegetarian and natural lifestyle
  • North American Vegetarian Society has been for 26 years a North American consortium of local vegetarian societies (now numbering 160 affiliates) and individual members, NAVS publishes "Vegetarian Voice" and various brochures and booklets related to vegetarian living.
  • OldWivesTail - Vegetarian, Vegan, Organic, natural and chemical free hair care advice and research studies explained.
  • Only The Best Gourmet Vegetarian Recipes - Only The Best Vegetarian Recipe Guide To Gourmet Dining!
  • Six Mary's Place Vegetarian Guest house - Vegetarian/Vegan Guest House in historic part of Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Swiss Union for Vegetarianism - You find her all Topics about Vegetarianism in German language.
  • Teen Vegetarian - An e-zine by vegetarian teens, for vegetarian teens.
  • The Toronto Vegetarian Association was founded in 1945 and is a non-profit, registered charitable organization whose mission statement is "To help people in the Toronto area adopt and maintain a healthful, ethical and ecological vegetarian lifestyle."
  • Triangle Vegetarian Society serves the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) area of NC.
  • University of Minnesota - Student Organization for Animal Rights (SOAR) SOAR is a student group at the University of Minnesota working to educate people about animal rights, including the cruelty of modern animal farming using animals for entertainment, and the health and environmental benefits of vegetarianism.
  • Vegan Action - Vegan Action is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to provide education about the many benefits of a vegan lifestyle
  • The Vegan Society (UK) - Promotes ways of living entirely free of animal products for the benefit of people, animals and the environment...
  • VeganWorld - Resources and information for vegans and those who wish to go vegan!
  • Vegetarian books for children - Vegetarian books for children. teaches children why it is important to be vegetarian
  • The Vegetarian Resource Group Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in your school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in thedevelopment of nutrition related publications and answer member or media questions about the vegetarian diet.
  • Vegetarian Resource Center is a drop-in center with thousands of books, 45 years of vegetarian publications (including local group newsletters and glossy periodicals), and audio-video resources on various issues in vegetarianism, including history, personalities, politics, culture, etc.
  • Vegetarian Society of Colorado - Support and education for vegetarian lifestyles
  • The Vegetarian Society of the U.K. - The Worlds oldest vegetarian society, full of useful information.
  • Vegetarian Youth Network - We are an organization run by and for vegetarian youth (children through college-age) worldwide.
  • Veggie World - Vegetarian, Environment, Music
  • VegSource - Your friendly, fun vegetarian resource! Games, humor, discussion, recipes, articles and lots of friendly people!
  • Wholesome & Hearty Foods, Inc. - Gardenburger - A colorful site from the makers of the Gardenburger®. You'll find info on the environment, animals, vegetarianism, nutrition, recipes, company information and more.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.