- The Air Daily Home Page - Daily newsletter covering implementation of the Clean Air Act for regulators and the regulated community.
- Air Quality Information: Province of New Brunswick - Governmental organization responsible for the enchancement of the environment through cooperation, regulation, monitoring and assessment.
- Cambridge England Air Quality Data On-line - Cambridge England City Council promoting its fine breathable air
- Clean Air Council - The Clean Air Council is a Pennsylvania non-profit organization working on behalf of the public to reduce air pollution.
- The Environmental Organisation, Copenhagen - Ffighting back against air-, noise- and water pollution from Copenhagen Airport.
- GVRD Air Quality Index - Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada
- Healthy School Environment - Cohasset Jr/Sr High School's thematic unit on air quality
- Highway, Traffic Pollution & Human Health - Nagoya Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering.
- Midwestern Air Pollution Information, U.S. EPA, Region 5 - We cover the following: * Acid Rain * Air Quality * Ozone * CFC's * Maps * Violating Companies * Toxics * Asbestos * Radon * Regulations * Enforcement * Radiation
- New York University - Nelson Instititute of Environmental Medicine - Founded in 1947, the Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine at New York University Medical Center is one of the nation's oldest and foremost centers forresearch into the health effects of environmental pollution.
- Northwest Air Pollution Authority of Washington State - Local agency charged with enforcing air pollution laws in Washington. Our Mission is to preserve protect and enhance air quality.
- NSR info - Private industry source of information on air permit issues.
- Ohio EPA - Division of Air Pollution Control - Information about the Division of Air Pollution Control of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
- San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District - An air quality regulatory agency that works with industry and residents to improve and protect air quality on the Central Coast of California
- Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District
- Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District - Innovative Technologies Group
- SCERP Southwest Center for Environmental Research & Policy - SCERP is a University consortium dedicated to applied environmental research of the US-Mexican border region.
- South Coast Air Quality Management Distict - Air quality agency for Los Angeles Basin. Advanced Technologies, alternative fuels, real-time air quality measurements, etc.
- STAPPA/ALPCO: State and Local Air Pollution Control Agencies - National associations representing state and local air pollution control agencies.
- University of Cologne - EURAD is a three-dimensional Eulerian air pollution modelling system which simulates the transport, chemical transformation and deposition of minor atmospheric constituents in the troposphere over Europe.
- U.S.EPA Acid Rain Program - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Zefon International - Air monitoring products for the environmental and industrial hygiene industries.