- Aqualogy BioRemedics - Microbial and enzymatic biocatalysts for augmenting bioremediation of water and soil pollution, and energy development
- Beargrass Engineering, Inc. provides engineering and consulting services for water quality protection.
- Destin Dive Team EO - Enviromental dive team cleans harbor of trash thrown in by man.
- Eco-nomics - Precision ozonation of lakes, reservoirs, size no object. Govt. or commercial get low interest financing. 1 HP treats 100,000,000gal/day.
- Environmental Restoration, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center - Research, development and testing of environmental cleanup and testing methods, US Navy
- Geraghty & Miller,Inc. is an environmental firm with a publishing subsidiary, Water Information Center.
- H2O2.com - Hydrogen Peroxide Online - The definitive resource on Hydrogen Peroxide and related peroxygen chemicals for treatment of water, wastewater, and hazardous wastes.
- Sparktec Environmental Inc. - Acoustic technology as a reliable alternative to the potentially hazardous use of chemicals in the commercial and industrial treatment of water.
- Spectrum Laboratories - Environmental Pollution Testing and Analytical Services
- SRS Crisafulli Inc. at Pollution OnLine - Leading manufacturer of pollution equipment and pollution control products for the municipal and industrial markets including pumps, dredges, biosolids, liftstations, irrigations, and slurries.
- Strategic Resources Group - Executive recruiting firm specializing in environmental engineering.
- Wastewater Solutions is an environmental microbiology firm that works with wastewater treatment professionals to design new biotreatment systems or enhance current operations.
- Water Microbiology External Quality Assessment Scheme - Water quality assessment schemes providing distributions for Indicator organisms, Cryptosporidium, Legionella and Viruses in water.
- Welcome to Fluid Waste Minimization - Helping you minimize your industrial waste stream while extending equipment life using environmentally-responsible, time-proven products, techniques, and solutions.
- WGOW Dive Team - Scuba Divers and buisness owners who care enough to clean the bottom of the Tennessee river in Chattannooga, Tennessee