- A1 Debris, Pollution & Oil Removal Systems - Harbor & waterway cleanup system using simple boat design. Up to 10,000 gallon oil recovery attachment unit available. Used Worldwide.
- Ben Meadows Company
- Butler Bags - Durable and comfortable sleeping bag on the market today.
- Commercial Garage Door Repair - Commercial garage door and opener repair in Central NJ
- Connecting With Nature: Ecopsychology in action - This program, course and book restore the missing link in Western thinking by integrating ecology and psychology through thoughtful sensory contacts with Earth that catalyze wellness, spirit and responsibility.
- The Conservation Consortium -
- Coralife
- D-Duster - This is a portable air filtration system for the office or home
- Earth Tones - The Environmental Phone Company - The only long-distance service to direct 100% of its profits to environmental groups. Competitive residential, business, calling card rates.
- Ecocleen Cleaning Services - Ecocleen are green cleaning services specialists who offer the ultimate package in green, cost effective soft services. Whether you require cleaning, waste management and/or recycling, interior or exterior landscaping, pest control, washroom services and maintenance.
- Ecolution is a mail order and wholesale company offering sustainable clothing, accessories and skincare products made from hemp.
- Eco-Radio
- Eco-Rating International - uses uniquely developed methodology to assess and rate a firm's environmental performance.
- Energy Efficient Environments, Inc. is a mail-order company specializing in energy saving and environmentally friendly products. Dedicated to the preservation or the earth's natural resources.
- Environ/NET
- The Environmental E-mailer - Fill in personal information, select environmental issue you support and an e-mail message will be sent on your behalf to your congressperson, the president and other people involved.
- Environmental Products & Services of Vermont, Inc. is the realized dream of two men who purchased a small environmental services company back in 1999. Since then, Anthony Melfi, President, and Chris Parzych, Vice President, have expanded the Company to 14 offices and two permitted waste facilities. This network of offices allows seamless response services for the entire east coast of the United States.
- Environmental Service Products, LLC provides supplies, equipment, and tooling to various company types including Direct Push, Cone Penetrometer, Hollow Stem Auger, and Environmental Consultants.
- ForestNet - ForestNet has information about the forest products industry.
- Forest Technology Systems of North America - FTS is a leading North American designer, manufacturer, and installer of specialized systems for measuring, collecting and managing environmental data from remote locations.
- Forevergreen Natural Products
- Foss Environmental Services Company is a leader in Point and Non-Point Source Pollution control products and services.
- Garden State Laboratories, Inc. is a certified independent environmental, water and food testing laboratory analyzing for chemical, bacteriological and other microbiological contaminants.
- Greenway Products
- GSA Environmental Products Overview - GSA offers a variety of environmental products and services to its federal customers to assist them in their efforts to comply with procurement responsibilities outlined in federal environmental laws and regulations.
- Heyne Custom Seed Services Prairie Wildflower Homepage - Site contains general and cultural information about prairie plants as well as a pricelist for seeds and related products and services.
- HoursOfOperations.com - HoursOfOperations.com is a convenient shopping tool and a store locator to help you find popular brands, store locations, store hours of operation, holiday hours, driving directions and phone numbers for retail stores and your local business.
- Initial Response Institute - HazMat Training and Technical Services
- Last Chance For The Pacific Salmon - video is a new documentary on the plight of the Pacific Salmon. It is a broadcast quality, one hour video that covers a wide range of issues surrounding the decline of the salmon and outlines actions necessary to prevent their extinction.
- Laurel Environmental Solutions
- Multi-Pure - effective drinking water filtering system. Tested and listed by NSF International for asthetics and health concerns.
- Nature's Notecards of St. Albans, VT
- Nature-Loo Composting Toilet System - Detailed info on the Nature-Loo composting toilet system. Also offers DIY plans to build your own.
- Order SPAM® Gifts T-shirts, mugs, key chains, etc. Hormel Foods Corporation.
- Outletsbuzz.com - Find locations, hours, phone numbers for thousands of outlet stores across North America. Go shopping with great savings in the favorite outlet mall near you.
- Point of Sale supplies- POSPaper.com - POSPaper.com is America's leading online source for Point-of-Sale thermal paper rolls, printer ribbons and other products for retail operations.
- Satellite Observing Systems Ltd provides high-quality data services and expert consultancy on the use of satellite information for operations in the marine environment.
- Second Nature Museum Quality Reproductions - Natural History-related items (Casts of Dinosaur Bones, Modern Mammals, etc.) and info (current events and related websites).
- Sustainable Living Services - Call or email for free brochure.
- Sylvacurl natural packaging products - Manuf. and distrib. all natural packaging materials and gift basket filler.
- T-Storm Environmental Products - Ozone generators for air and water. Cleans water and puts low concentrations of Ozone in the air.
- Tempurpedic Mattress Comparison - Space Daily, offers a Tempurpedic review and comparison to the Tempflow, no V.O.C., Biogreen memory foam mattress.
- Touchstone Natural Products Marketing - Touchstone Natural Products Marketing is finding innovative new means of helping get good, wholesome products from the finest producers to the public.
- The Video Project - Founded in 1983, The Video Project is a non-profit source for over 250 top-rated, affordable videos and CD-ROMs on a broad range of environmental issues.
- Virgin Pure Spring Water - Quite simply, ours is the finest and purest water in the world.
- Weather Watcher Pager Service - a standard alphanumeric pager and the Weather Watcher service, changing weather information is instantly delivered and stored in your pager.
- www.detailedguidance.com
- Detailed Guidance is a website dedicated to provide detailed guidance to
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loving family.