- Advanced Forest Technologies Program
- American Forests - Forest Policy, Urban Forestry, Global Releaf, Tree Planting, Citizen Forestry, Cause-Related Marketing, Planned Giving, Citygreen, Growing Greener Cities
- Australian National University - Department of Forestry
- Australia's Forests - A service of Environment Australia (Commonwealth Department of Enviroment)
- A Walk In The Woods, sponsored by the Washington Forest Protection Association - A non-profit, educational organization of private commercial forest owners who promote & encourage stewardwhip of Washington's forest lands.
- Cal Poly - Department of Natural Resources Management
- Canadian Forests - Access to information about forests and forestry in Canada.
- Canadian Forest Service Department of Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service Northwest Region
- Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition - Coalition canadienne - The Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition presents: Sustainable Forest Management Standards - A Growing Need. L'avenir de nos forêts - La coalition canadienne pour la certification
- Clemson University - College of Forest and Recreation Resources
- Cliff Ecology Research Group is a multidisciplinary organization studying all the ecological aspects of one place "cliffs". From genetics and plant physiology to plant and animal community ecology and climate reconstruction, we do it all.
- Coconino National Forest - We provide electronic information, particularly about National Forests
- Debating the Earth to Death - Environmental advocacy, interactive Web pages where readers can post their own comments
- Department of Spatial Information Systems and Forest Geodesy - Teaching and research activities in the fields of collecting, storing, processing, analyzing and presenting information on forests and parks
- Deutsches Agrarinformationsnetz (DAINet) is a comprehensive platform of information resources in the fields of agriculture.
- El Bosque - La pagina de un guarda forestal en la red. Spain.
- Environet - Defending the earth, starting with the defense of the Angeles National Forest. The forest must not become a Dump !!!
- E.P.I.C: The Enviromental Protection Information Center - Working to protect biodiversity and ancient forest on the California Northcoast via education, networking, and litagation.
- The Evergreen State College
- European Forest Institute (EFI)
- EZRA Consulting - Ag/Forestry Forestry Consulting in all areas that involve the environment
- Finnish Forest Research Institute
- Forestry Institutions and Organizations Worldwide
- Forestry in the Appalachian Hardwoods of Kentucky - Forest Workshop Manual and The state of Forestry in Kentucky plus consulting forestry & advice
- The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden pursues applied R&D aimed at economical, ecologically sound and sustainable forestry.
- Forests Forever - Saving California's forest wilderness and biodiversity through electoral, legislative and educational means.
- Forest Technology Systems of North America - FTS is a leading North American designer, manufacturer, and installer of specialized systems for measuring, collecting and managing environmental data from remote locations.
- The French National Forest Inventory (IFN) - The National Forest Inventory, IFN, is in charge of the Permanent Inventory of French Metropolitan Forest Resources
- Friends of Trees - Volunteers planting trees to improve their communities and environment.
- Good Wood Alliance - Good Wood Alliance is an association dedicated to encouraging forest conservation through responsible wood use.
- Green Mountain Forest Watch - We protect and Restore Vermonts Forests and Wildlife
- Headwaters Forest Project - Headwaters Forest is the largest unprotected virgin old-growth redwood forest left on Earth. It is in danger of being destroyed.
- Heartwood Home Page - Heartwood is an Educational Nonprofit coalition of organization, indivduals, and business dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Central Hardwood Forest
- Helsinki University of Technology - Laboratory of Wood Technology has in addition to laboratory information, Wood Technology Research List and Wood Technology On-Line list.
- Idaho Conservation League - Works to protect and conserve Idaho's natural resources. Program areas include forestry, grazing, mining, water, endangered species.
- Institute for Commercial Forestry Research
- Institute of Forest Genetics Dendrome Project acts as the central electronic resource for the study of the molecular genetics of forest trees.
- International Registration of Forests (IRF) - This is a site for discussing IRF - an innovative instrument of international forestry cooperation.
- International Union of Forestry Research Organizations - IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, that promotes international cooporation in forestry and forestry products research.
- Ipe Decking - Everlasting Hardwoods has been providing environmentally friendly hardwoods to the U.S. and Canada since 1967. Ipe is world renown as the premium natural material for decking. It is hard, dense, and resistant to the ravages of the elements such as rot, UV degradation and insect pests.
- Kaibab National Forest - We provide electronic information, particularly about National Forests
- Lakehead University - Faculty of Forestry - Faculty of Forestry with six different programs, Canada.
- Menominee Tribal Enterprises Forestry Department - Manages the Green Cross and Smart Wood certified Menominee forest.
- North Carolina Division of Forest Resources
- North Carolina State University - College of Forest Resources
- The Northern Forest (book & links) - The story of northern New England residents trying to balance use and conservation of the nation's first working forest.
- Northwest Ancient Forests - Environmental activists committed to saving our ancient forests
- Oxford University - Plant Sciences
- Pacific Northwest Forests Page - Kelly Andersson is a freelance outdoors writer and political columnist in Oregon.
- Plant-It 2000 - Properly planting, maintaining and protecting indigenous trees worldwide.
- Sempervirens Fund is a nonprofit land conservancy working to protect redwood forest lands in the Santa Cruz Mountains and to make that land available for public enjoyment.
- Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests Web Page - Since 1901, the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, a non-profit membership organization, has helped protect over one millions acres in NH.
- Southwest Center for Biological Diversity - Protecting the Southwest's Mountains, Rivers, and Forests
- State Forests of New South Wales - Information on sustainable management of forests in NSW for a wide range of values.
- Stephen F. Austin State University - College of Forestry
- Taiga Rescue Network - International network of Non Government Orgnisations and Indigenous Peoples and Nations working for the protection and sustainable use of the Boreal Forests.
- University of Alberta - Department of Forest Science
- University of Arkansas at Monticello - School of forest resources
- University of Florida - School of Forest Resources and Conservation
- Universite Laval - SYLVA W3 presents environmental issues including forestry and plant biology.
- University of Montana - Forestry
- University of Washington - College of Forest Resouces
- USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Air Program - The Forest Service Manages 25,000,000 ac of public land in ht PNW
- Welcome to the Pacific Forestry Centre - Forestry Research, Canadian National Inventory
- Welcome to the Wonderful World of Trees! - Bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux des arbres! Where learning about trees is fun.
- Western Canada Wilderness Committee campaigns to increase protection for wild areas and biodiversity in Canada and around the world.
- The Woods Hole Research Center - The Woods Hole Research Center was founded in 1975 by Dr. George M. Woodwell to address the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs.
- Yale University - School of Forestry and Environmental Studies - Yale F&ES is the oldest graduate school in the U.S. Offers training in forestry, conservation biology, environmental management
International Society of Aboriculture
P.O. Box 71
Urbana, IL 61801
Ancient Forest International
P.O. Box 1850
Redway, CA 95560
Association For Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA)
c/o Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
E. Lansing MI 48824 USA
Phone: 517-353-4751
Fax: 517-432-1143
E_mail: mgold@msu.edu
Eastern North American Native Forest Network
PO Box 57 Burlington VT 05402
The Elmwood Institute
P.O. Box 5765
Berkeley, CA 94705
Forest History Society, Inc.
701 Vickers Ave.
Durham, NC 27701
The National Tree Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 10808
Bakersfield, CA 93889
Native Forest Council
P.O. Box 2171
Eugene, OR 97402
Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association
P.O. Box 680
Waimanalo, HI 96795
Redwood Action Team
POB 34
Garberville, Ecotopia 95542
Save American Forest
Box 1023
Bowie MO. 20715
Save -The-Redwoods League
114 Sansome St., Room 605
San Francisco, CA 94104
Trees for Life
1103 Jefferson
Wichita, KS l67203