- Agricultural Research Institute of S.Michele all'Adige - Research and Educational Institute working on food, agricultural production and environment protection
- American Leather Chemists Association
- AppliCan Ag Site - A resource for farmers to find useful agriculture sites on the web.
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) is a text of publications, links to scientific societies, science education resources.
- Farmer Gus' Ottawa-St.Lawrence Pumpkin Growers - Site for international Giant Pumpkin Confederation. 1994 & 1995 world records set in Ottawa
- Fintrac
- Foundation E.A.R.T.H. Home Page - Foundation E.A.R.T.H. (Environment, Agriculture, Research and Technology) is a new, non-profit organization of farmers and others dedicated to protecting the environment by promoting the adoption of technologically advanced, environmentally sound farming practices, etc.
- Institute Agriculture and Trade Policy - IATP studies the affect of global institutions on agriculture and the environment.
- Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria - INEA is an italian governative research organization. INEA researches in agriculture, agricultural economics, rural communities & Natural Resources
- Jordbrukstekniska Institutet - Swedish Institute of Agricultiural Engineering
- Kern County Farm Bureau
- Mainstreet USA - On-line agricultural community for rural residents and producers. Sponsored by Farm Credit Services, at the Heart of a Growing America
- The New Uses Council, Inc. - Dedicated to commercialization of non-food, industrial uses of agricultural crops
- Oregon State University - Extension Service WWW is the off-campus arm of OSU; dedicated to taking the University to the people by supplying scientific knowledge at home and work.
- Ottawa-St.Lawrence Giant Pumpkin Growers - International organization of giant pumpkin growers "who grow and compete for the enjoyment it gives us"
- Public Voice for Food and Health Policy - Public Interest, Consumer Advocacy organization for safe, healthy affordable food for all Ameiricans.
- RIEPT- Red Internacional de evaluación de Pastos Tropicales (MCAC/Costa Rica) is a non-profit organization for evaluation on Tropical Forages for the acid and semi-acid soils of Tropical America.
- Society for Range Management, PNW Section - Professional society dealing with rangelands in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia
- Texas A&M University - Manrrs Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences. Texas A&M chapter.
- University of California Cooperative Extension Livestock & Natural Resources Home Page - Our site provides research-based information on range, oaks, watersheds, livestock, wildlife and natural resource management.
- University of California Davis - California Energy Commission Agricultural Energy Assistance Program works with the state's agricultural industry to achieve energy efficiency while promoting natural resource conservation practices.
- University of Florida - Florida Farm Bureau
- University of Georgia - Student Chapter Agriculture
- Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Program