- CFC Reclamation & Recycling Service - Manufacturing of Refrigerant Products for Recycling, Refrigerant Management Software Systems, EPA Tech Certification and Waste Management (TSD), CFC Replacement
- Cosmic Ray Deflection Society of North America - Since 1973 we are a bunch of crazed artist/environmentalists trying to warn the world of the deadly cosmic rays getting in through the hole in the ozone...
- EPA & Ozone Depletion - EPA is responsible for U.S. regulations to protect the ozone layer.
- International Ozone Association - Worldwide organization dedicated to dissemination of information on ozone, utilization of ozone for water, wastewater and air treatment, chemical and industrial process, and publishes books and journals.
- Ozone Depletion Over Antarctica
- Ozone Soundings at Neumayer
- Photobiology Online - Presentation of both the American and European Societies for Photobiology which provides information on the effects of light on biology.
- Skies Above Foundation - Dedicated to informing the public on environmental issues related to the atmosphere, especially ozone depletion and climate change
- Solvent Alternatives Guide (SAGE) - A guide to help select replacements for ozone-depleting solvents and hazardous air pollutants used for parts cleaning.
- Stratospheric Ozone Monitoring
- UVB Impacts Reporter - Newsletter with latest research on the impacts of ultraviolet light due to ozone depletion