- The B.C. Hydro Environment Web Site - A crown corporation in the process of developing environmental standards and practices for B.C.'s unique landscape.
- Canadian Hydro Developers Inc - Independent power producer focused on the development of small hydroelectric power sites.
- H2O Power - Hydroelectric technology that has applications in wave energy, tidal waters, add on to increase power output and new dam designs.
- Hydropower in Hawaii - Hawaii's Energy, Ocean, and Technology Resources (State of Hawaii-Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism-Energy, Resources, and Technology Division)
- HydroServ Group - Above Water and Below Water Dam Services - Dam and hydroelectric power plant safety, rehabilitation and modernization, operations and maintenance, construction, field and underwater inspection and restoration services.
- Pinecrest: An Adventure Living Off The Utility Grid - Detailed information and pictures on my hydroelectric system and earth sheltered home.