Home / Science / Energy / Fossil Fuels
  • Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Arctic Power is a non-profit citizen's organization that supports keeping the Coastal Plain of ANWR open for potential oil and gas exploration and development.
  • Austvik Ole Gunnars Energy Pages - Research, courses and analyses in energy economics, international petroleum policies and Norwegian oil and gas issues.
  • E&P Environment - A bi-weekly newsletter reporting on environmental issues affecting exploration and production sector of the oil and gas industry
  • IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme - Evaluate technologies for greenhouse gas reduction from fossil fuels, develop targets for R&D, disseminate results
  • Oregon Oil Heat Commission - The Commission promotes the efficient use of oil heat and public safety through the cleanup of heating oil tank releases.
  • Penn State University - The College of Earth & Mineral Sciences is dedicated to an understanding of the Earth and our activities on it. Our studies in the earth sciences, fuel sciences and mineral economics make us the Environmental College.

    Fossil Fuels Policy Action Institute
    P.O. Box 8558
    Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.