General Marine Mammals
Marine Biology
Marine Education Centers
National Geophysical Data Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
General Marine Mammals
Marine Biology
Marine Education Centers
National Geophysical Data Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Products and Services
Remote Sensing
Sustainable Marine Resources
USGS Water Resources Division
Water Pollution
Water Resources
Remote Sensing
Sustainable Marine Resources
USGS Water Resources Division
Water Pollution
Water Resources
- A Hotlist for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science Brookhaven National Laboratory's Oceanographic and Atmospheric Sciences Division conducts research on coastal oceanographic problems, primarily in the Middle Atlantic, but also in all regions of the world oceans.
- Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate
- Air Project studies dynamic Ground-Sea-Atmospheric observations obtained from remote sensing. Applications involve natural evolutive phenomena characterization by image processing and environmental evolution.
- American Oceans Campaign - Production company that feels strongly toward this cause.
- AquaNet is an information server for the aquatic world. Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, education, fisheries, oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood.
- AWI WWW Polar and Marine Research Database
- Biospherical Instruments Inc. - Biospherical designs and deploys environmental monitoring technologies in the oceanographic and atmospheric sciences.
- BRIDGE, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (British Mid-Ocean Ridge Initiative) is concerned with the exploration and understanding of all processes at play in the deep-sea. IOSDL is the British Institute for Oceanographic Sciences. Based at the Southampton Oceanography Centre.
- Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS
- Coral Reefs and Mangroves: Modelling and Management is a 3-year project supported by the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the IBM International Foundation.
- Dartmouth University - Gulf of Maine Project
- Data Zoo contains data collected by various California coastal data collection programs and studies.
- Distributed Ocean Data System
- El Nino Links - Resources for El Nino research. Includes bibliographies, theme pages and articles online.
- El Nino Theme Page: Accessing Distributed Information related to El Nino contains El Nino related products, including the most recent observational data, forecasts, scientific analyses and historical perspectives.
- Hydrographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean
- IAPSO - The International Association for the Physcial Sciences of the Oceans - The study of scientific problems relating to the oceans
- International Arctic Buoy Program helps to establish and maintain a network of drifting buoys in the Arctic Ocean to collect data needed for real-time operations and meteorological and oceanographic research.
- LDEO Climate Data Catalog is a catalog of datasets, with an interface that allows you to make plots, tables, and files from any dataset, its subsets, or processed versions thereof.
- Nansen Environmental & Remote Sensing Center - Integrated climate and environmental monitoring and forecasting using numerical models, remote sensing and field measurements.
- National Estaurine Research Reserve Centralized Data Management
- NEMO - Oceanographic Data Server (SIO)
- NOAA's CoastWatch Program maps the US coastal oceans 4 times daily, producing over 600 visible, IR and SST images.
- Ocean Information Center (OCEANIC)
- Ocean Information Technology Showcase
- Oceanographic & Earth Science Institutions Directory is a large list of sites for Oceanography community.
- Our Living Oceans Annual Report
- Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Images
- Parallel Ocean Program (POP) Model is a simulation of the global ocean circulation
- Pathfinder Cafe: AVHRR SST Image Archive - an interface for the viewing and acquisition of AVHRR Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature satellite images.
- REINAS Project is creating a real-time system for data acquisition, data management, and visualization for environmental and marine scientists.
- RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project is a compilation of multibeam bathymetric sonar data and images from the world's mid-ocean ridge system
- San Diego's Ocean
- Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images
- SeaWiFS Project
- SelectSite Ocean Technology is a comprehensive site containing links to businesses and services that provide technology and information to the scientific community.
- Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is the most prominent submarine feature in Massachusetts Bay, stretching for nearly 20 miles between northern Cape Cod and Cape Ann, MA.
- Supplements to Atmospheric & Oceanic Publications
- Texas A&M University - Ocean Drilling Program
- Topex/Poseidon - The Ocean Topography Experiment is a cooperative project between the United States and France to develop and operate an advanced satellite system dedicated to observing the Earth's oceans.
- U.S. JGOFS Information
- Unique Study of the Health and Vitality of Coral Reefs is a 5 year expedition aboard the research vessel Heraclitus circumnavigating the globe studying both coral reefs and the origins of human culture.
- University of Miami - Atmospheric and Ocean Optics - Environmental Optics Group in the Physics Department at the University of Miami.
- Virtual Reality in Oceanography is a state-funded Center of Excellence specializing in the physical oceanography of the coastal ocean.
The Atlantic Center for the Environment
39 South Main St.
Ipswich, MA 01938-2330
Center for Marine Conservation
1725 De Sales St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
International Oceanographic Foundation
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
National Marine Education Association
P.O. Box 51215
Pacific Grove, Ca 93950
Oceans Task Force
300 Broadway Suite 28
San Francisco CA 94133
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
P. O. Box 7000 S
Redondo Beach, CA 90277