- AquaLink is a free WWW service dedicated to hobbyists of fresh and marine water fish, reef corals and invertebrates.
- A fine kettle of fish
- Aquarium Information Websites
- Amazing FishCam!
- Andy and Denise's Fish Page
- Aquariums!
- Aquariums and Tropical Fish
- Breeding Angelfish
- Buz's Aquarium
- Catalog of South American Cichlids
- Cichlid Home Page
- Cichlid Research Home Page
- Fine Kettle of Fish
- FishWEB
- FINS Index is an archive of information about aquariums. It covers both freshwater and marine, tropical and temperate, though my personal bias (reeftanks) probably shows through.
- Fish of Lake Michigan
- Fish of Lake Superior
- Frenchy's Aquarium Page
- Florida Aquarium
- Jeff Pfohl's Home Page
- Krib
- Marine Fish Information Service - Provides downloadable help for the home aquariest
- Michael Andruch IV: Wildlife Illustrator (tropical fish) - Sample illustrations of chiclids from Africa and South America
- Mike's Fish Tank
- Mike's Fish Tank is where you can catch fish, eat fish, or protect fish rights!
- Mote Marine Laboratory is an independent non-profit marine and estuarine research and education facility, working in fields from marine biomedicine to coastal engineering and fisheries science.
- Pacific Region Aquaculture Information
- Rod's Aquarium Page
- Safari Touchtank
- The Salmon Page - A page dedicated to all things salmon. Everything from how to save them to how to cook them.
- Scott's Reef Aquarium
- Something's Fishy
- Steve Suh's Fish Page
- Three Steps To A Reef Aquarium - Three Steps To A Reef Aquarium
- Turbo Under Gravel Filtration - Recent controversy over under gravel filtration has inclined me to describe my own formula for successful fish keeping.
- Underwater BBS
- West coast salmon information - provides a site devoted to west coast salmon that gives links to other sites with data on west coast salmon life historys, hydropower models, and fisheries data as well as up to date summaries of new items on west coast salmon stories.
- World Wide Web Virtual Library of Fish
- Zebrafish Information
- Zebrafish Server