- American Water Resources Association - Promotes understanding of water resources and related issues by providing a multidisciplinary forum for education and professional development.
- Bawell Water Ionizers - Bawell alkaline water ionization and filtration systems filter and purify tap water for drinking. Save money and reduce your reliance on bottled alkaline water by filtering and purifying your tap water with Bawell ionizers.
- California Bay-Delta Authority - CALFED's Water Supply Reliability Program Objective is comprised of five critical elements: Conveyance, Storage, Environmental Water Account, Water Use Efficiency and Water Transfer. Together and in partnership with local and regional agencies, this program allows for the increase of water supplies and more efficient and flexible use of water resources.
- California Department of Water Resources - Information about the state department managing water activities.
- Christina River Basin / Watershed of Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania - Concerned about drinking water? Interested in conserving natural resources while preserving the environment? Want to make a difference in your community? Then get to know your watershed. This Web site is designed to help you do just that by serving as a method of public outreach for the Christina Basin Water Quality Management Strategy (CBWQMS). The mission of the Christina Basin Water Quality Management Strategy is to conduct cooperative, interstate efforts to implement programs to protect and improve the water quality of streams, waterways, and groundwater in the Brandywine Creek, Red Clay Creek, White Clay Creek, and Christina River watersheds of Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This site serves as your hub for information regarding the CBWQMS effort, and connects viewers to a wide array of excellent resources concerning education, environmental issues, and data.
- Delaware's Pollution Control Strategy - Our Tributary Action Teams, are creating a strategy to reduce pollution in each of the state's watersheds. Some teams are further along in this process than others, depending on when and if pollution limits were set. Teams in the Appoquinimink, Broadkill, Inland Bays, Murderkill, Nanticoke, St. Jones, and Upper Chesapeake watersheds are currently active. Other teams will be formed in the near future.
- EDF Chemical Scorecard - Get an in-depth pollution report for your county, covering air, water, chemicals, and more.
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water - Water news from the US federal agency responsible for protecting and improving water quality.
- Environmental & Water Resources Institute - This collection contains 505 papers on environmental and water resources engineering presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
- Global Water Partnership - The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. GWP was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to foster integrated water resource management (IWRM). IWRM is the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare without compromising the sustainability of ecosystems and the environment.
- Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology Lab, Oregon State University - The Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology group led by Professor Jeff McDonnell, OSU distinguished professor, Richardson Chair in Watershed Science and director of the OSU Institute for Water and Watersheds. Our group conducts field, lab and modeling investigations that center on the following questions: Where does water go when it rains? How long does it reside in the watershed? What pathway does it take to the stream channel?
- Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), an organization within the Institute for Water Resources, is the designated Center of Expertise for the US Army Corps of Engineers in the technical areas of surface and groundwater hydrology, river hydraulics and sediment transport, hydrologic statistics and risk analysis, reservoir system analysis, planning analysis, real-time water control management and a number of other closely associated technical subjects. HEC supports Corps field offices, headquarters, and laboratories by providing technical methods and guidance, water resources models and associated utilities, training and workshops, accomplishing research and development, and performing technical assistance and special projects. The products that are developed from these activities are for the Corps but are available to the public and may be freely downloaded from this web site.
- IWA Publishing - IWA Publishing, the wholly owned subsidiary of the International Water Association (IWA), provides information services on all aspects of water, wastewater and related environmental fields. The publishing programme includes Water21 (the IWA membership magazine) and a broad range of journals, books, research reports, manuals of best practice, and online services. As a leading supplier of water, wastewater and environmental publications, in both print and online format, IWA Publishing is committed to excellence in delivery of information and continues to invest in innovation and development of services to encourage usage of its publications worldwide.
- Isotopes in Water and Environmental Management - Uses of isotope data in hydrology.
- Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program - Formed in 1993, MCSTOPPP is a joint effort of Marin's cities, towns and unincorporated areas. Their goal is to: 1) prevent stormwater pollution, 2) protect and enhance water quality in creeks and wetlands, 3) preserve beneficial uses of local waterways, and 4) comply with State and Federal regulations.
- Riparian Forest Buffers - Stream side forests protect eastern U.S. water resources.
- Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory - Research is focused on the Coastal Plain region of the southeastern U.S., a region with low-gradient drainage systems, generally sandy soils, periodically intense rainfall, and extensive near-stream riparian areas.
- Spatial Hydrology - Gateway to GIS, GPS, hydrologic modeling and remote sensing community. It is the most comprehensive collection of resources for all the hydrologists out there, whether they are beginner students or professionals, tackling with real world problems/challenges with GIS and related spatial information technologies. Our web site is the window to the Spatial Hydrology World that provides news and information to help readers plan their projects, finding database, and keeping up with dynamic behavior of technology. It also helps keeping informed about the current as well as changing trends and policies of this fields. We have listed ample resources of database on global level related to glossaries, books, grants, jobs, organizations, software, on-line professional courses etc.
- Texas A&M University - Texas WaterNet The Texas Water Resources Institute [TWRI] is a research center at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. This WWW site contains information on water research at all major Texas universities. Information includes photos, text, graphics, etc.
- The World's Water - Water is one of our most critical resources, but around the world it is under threat. Worldwater.org is dedicated to providing information and resources to help protect and preserve fresh water around the globe.
- UCOWR: Universities Council on Water Resources - The Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) organization consists of over 90 member universities and organizations throughout the world. Each member university appoints up to eight faculty or staff as UCOWR delegates.
- UNESCO Water Portal - Worldwide news on fresh water topics.
- University of Arizona - Water Resources Research Center was developed to better provide water information to professionals and interested members of the public.
- University of Southern California - Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research approves Backflow Prevention Assemblies, Trains Backflow Assembly Testers and Program Specialists, and offers training tools.
- USEPA - Biological Indicators of Watershed Health - Using aquatic life to measure the overall health of the nation's waters.
- USGS -- Water Resources of the United States - The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collects information needed to understand the Nation's water resources, and provides access to water data, publications, and maps, as well as to recent water projects and events.
- Utah Water Research Laboratory - Utah Water Research Laboratory is a research institute of the Utah State University covering hydrology, groundwater, and environmental problems.
- UW Extension Water & Natural Resources - Information about water quality programs in Wisconsin.
- University of Florida Water Resources Research Center - The mission of the WRRC is to serve as a center of expertise in the water resources field; assist public and private interests in the conservation, development, and use of water resources; provide opportunities for professional training; assist local, state, regional, and federal agencies in planning and regulation; and communicate research findings to interested users. The WRRC administers funding provided through the federal Water Resources Research Act of 1984 and coordinates water-resources research and technology transfer as authorized by the funding, acts as liaison for Florida Agencies and water management districts, promotes water-resources research by seeking external support, and seeks to enhance the state and national image of the University of Florida (UF) as a focal point for water resources research.
- University of Minnesota Extension Service -- Water Quality - Working on issues like agriculture water quality, aquaculture, biodiversity, supply, habitat, and recreation, University of Minnesota researchers and Extension educators discover scientific answers to questions about protecting and improving water resources – helping homeowners, farmers, local decision-makers, construction managers, and landscape professionals address the challenges they face
- University of New South Wales Water Research Laboratory - WRL is a leading international consulting and research laboratory and is a major group within the University of New South Wales Water Research Centre. WRL is unique in housing academic staff alongside a commercial project team. The project team offer commercial services of expert advice to industry and government, while the academic staff carry out research programs and supervise postgraduate students.
- Water Damage Jacksonville, FL - Dreyer's DKI - If you need any water damage, fire and smoke damage, or mold removal, remediation and restoration services contact Dreyer's DKI in Florida they are the Best Water Damage Restoration company
- Water Damage Phoenix - Rocky Mountain Restoration - We are water damage, flood, and mold removal experts in Phoenix, Mesa, and Gilbert, AZ.
- Water - European Environmental Agency - The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 32 member countries.
- Water Filters - All Filters carries a wide range of water filter products, including drinking water filters, shower filters, and camping filters.
- WaterHistory.org - Our objective is to explore prehistoric and historic water projects worldwide...without taking ourselves too seriously. We are particularly interested in the effect that water has on the quality of life.
- Water Online - Online database for water/wastewater professional including supplier directory, industry news and feature articles.
- Water Resources Research is an interdisciplinary journal integrating research in the social and natural sciences of water. It contains original contributions in hydrology; in the physical, chemical, and biological sciences; and in the social and policy sciences, including economics, systems analysis, sociology, and law.
- Water Web Consortium - The WaterWeb consortium has been created to promote the sharing of information concerning water and the earth’s environment. Our organization seeks to create a global community, bringing together educational, governmental, nonprofit, & commercial entities interested in water research, conservation, and management. WaterWeb’s goals are to advance water related issues, promote the use of quality information, and share information with water use stakeholders and decision makers.
- WaterWiser is the Water Efficiency Clearinghouse.
- World Water Conservation - WorldWaterConservation.com is a site acting as a forum to promote the practice of water conservation throughout the world. The site has been around for a few years but with the rapid changing world situation, water is of major importance. We do not believe in man-made global warming but we do believe in a shortage of good potable water for mankind.
- World Water Day - The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. This site started in 2001 as a community space and repository where people can upload their WWD event activities and reports. The theme changes every year for which annual campaign materials can be found at the UN-Water site by clicking on the WWD 2011 logo on the right.
- Wyoming Water Resources Data System - The Water Resources Data System (WRDS) is a clearinghouse of hydrological and climatological data for the State of Wyoming. WRDS is funded by the Wyoming Water Development Office and housed within the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Wyoming. The Wyoming State Climate Office (SCO) is a branch of WRDS, and together we provide a variety of services ranging from the development of enhanced drought-monitoring products to the online dissemination of water resources publications. WRDS and the SCO also support a variety of stakeholder groups by assisting in the development of the State Water Plan and helping to coordinate long-term monitoring efforts throughout the region.
P.O. Box 85
Phoenicia, NY 12464
Clean Water Action
1320 18th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Ecological Society Project of the Tides Foundation
Rt. 1, Box 20
Newburg, MO 65550
870 Market St.
Ste. 1186
San Francisco CA 94102
Contact: Shari Videlock
Phone: 415-391-9958
Fax: 415-391-9959
E-mail: ecotech@ortel.org
Food and Water, Inc.
225 Lafayette St., Rm. 613
New York, NY 10012
Freshwater Foundation
2500 Shadywood Road, P.O. Box 90
Navarre, MN 55392
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
1313 Fifth St., SE. Suite 327
Minneapolis, MN 55414
National Ground Water Association
2600 Ground Water Way
Columbus, Ohio 43219
National Waterways Conference, Inc.
1130 17th, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Water Quality Association
Water Quality Research Council
4151 Naperville Road
Lisle, IL 60532