- EPA Ground Water Remediation Technology - EPA Sponsored Ground Water Remediation Technologies
- Groundwater Remediation Project of the National Water Research Institute The Groundwater Remediation Project conducts a multidisciplinary research program on the sustainability and remediation of groundwater resources in Canada.
- Oregon Graduate Institute - Center for Groundwater Research - Best know for the LEAP (Large Experimental Aquifer Program)
- Richard Winston's free groundwater modeling programs and links to numerous groundwater and wetland sites.
- Sang W. Lee's Home Page - Environmental Engineering information exchange, stochastic method in groundwater modeling
- Save Our Springs Legal Defense Fund - Home Page - SOSLDF is dedicated to protecting the Edwards Aquifer, its springs and contributing streams, and its endangered species
The American Groundwater Trust
6375 Riverside Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
National Water Well Assoc.
6375 Riverside Drive
Dublin, OH 43017
Soil and Water Conservation Society
7515 N.E. Ankeny Rd.
Ankeny, IA 50021
World Association of Soil and Water Conservation
c/o Wm C. Moldenhauer
317 Marvin Ave.
Volga, SD 57071