- The Backyard Bat Page - Dedicated to the most misunderstood mammal of all times the Bat!
- Bat Buddies - One retired biologist who builds cedar/mahogany bat brood boxes that work! Site includes informative FAQ and links.
- Bat Conservation International - BCI works for the protection of bats and their habitats through a variety of research, education and conservation projects.
- The Buzbee Bat House Temperature Plot ! - The temperature in a bat house with LOTS of bat related links
- The Gauteng Bat Interest Group - The Gauteng BIG is involved in the conservation of bat species in the province of Gauteng, South Africa
Bat Conservation International
P.O. Box 162603
Austin, TX 78716
California Bat Conservation Fund
P.O. Box 1502
Ross CA 94957 USA
Phone: (415) 459-2126
Phone: (415) 893-9532
E_mail: joetryb@nbn.com