Home / Wildlife / Birds
  • African Grey Parrots CAGTAG-L HomePage - African Grey Parrots as Companions. Resources, FAQs, Mailing List.
  • Aggie Raptor Rehabilitation - Concentrates on the rehabilitation and release of birds of prey.
  • Ahh! The Virtual Birder - The Internet Magazine for Birders
  • Amazing Kakapo: Hear it boom in Real Audio - Just an ordinary naturalist with NZ's biggest natural history site. Kakapo: the largest, and most endangered parrot on Earth.
  • Arizona Partners in Flight - Colorado Plateau Research Station at Northern Arizona Univ.
  • Australian Cockatoos - I'm a registered wild animal rescuer in Australia. I specialise in parrots, mainly cockatoos and galahs. This page shares rehabilitation experiences with these birds.
  • Aviary - Largest all bird web site!! Birding and pet bird info. 100's of articles, info, books, magazines, equipment, clubs, equipment
  • Baltimore Bird Club, a chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society, welcomes everyone with an interest in wild birds and birding.
  • Bird Telephotos - Supertelephoto bird portraits
  • Birding
  • Birding, bird-ringing and wildlife - N. Adriatic - Faunistic observatories (Friuli-Venezia Giulia - NE Italy) - Regional Statutory Wildlife Conservation Organisations
  • Birds and Wildlife - Learn about the birds and their natural habits.
  • Birds of Fermilab, The
  • Birds of Tulsa, Oklahoma - Bird list of the Tulsa area, with birding links
  • The Bird Study Group - Birders from northwestern Louisiana, including Shreveport; maintains records database; newsletter; field trips;
  • Bird Watching contains information on the York Ornithological Club, plus links to other WWW bird sites
  • The Bluebird Box - Personal home page sponsored by Bluebirds Across Nebraska
  • Bluebird Page
  • Brookline Bird Club - Open to all interested in birds and nature, we offer birdwalks & lectures. Also perform counts, education, conservation projects.
  • Canadian Birding - Canadian Birding facts, lists, exchanges, books, etc.
  • Carolina Raptor Center - Dedicated to environmental education and to the conservation of birds of prey through rehabilitation, research and reproduction.
  • The Catalan Ornithology Page - Catalan birds and ornithology
  • Chokecherry Hollow Productions, Inc. - Wally and Shirley Harstad present their award winning videos on North American migratory and non-migratory birds.
  • Chux Birding/Birdfeeding Page
  • Columbia Audubon Society, Columbia, Missouri - The CAS is a Missouri chapter of the National Audubon Society. Includes newsletter articles, Missouri bibliography, and upcoming activities.
  • Eagle Page - from Rocky Mountain High. `I am the eagle, I live in high places' (John Denver)
  • The Eagle's Advocate - Devoted to promoting awareness and appreciation of North America's bald eagles and golden eagles. Provides a list of eagle related topics including Special Events, Rehab Centers, Lookouts, News, Ornithology, Related Sites.
  • EuroBirdNet
  • Greater Manchester Birds - Contains recent Bird sightings adn new of local club meetings.
  • Haparanda Sandskär Birdringing Station
  • HawkWatch International - Dedicated to monitoring and protecting eagles, hawks, and other birds of prey and the ecosystems in which they live.
  • The history of the Dodo - Student
  • Homer the parakeet - A parakeet with his own Web page! Has pics, a bio, and other bird links.
  • International Crane Foundation - The home page of the International Crane Foundation.
  • Irish Birdwatching Page - Information on Irish Birdwatching
  • Italian Ornithological Web Site - Ornitologia Italiana
  • Kakapo Place
  • Kent Ornithological Society - To study and record birds in Kent and promote increased interest in ornithology
  • Les oiseaux de l'autoroute électronique: - a birding home page in French.
  • loryFAQ:answers to frequently asked questions about lories and lorikeets - Univeristy of Washington
  • Louis Agassiz Fuertes - Bird collection includes letters (some illustrated with sketches), student notes, notebooks, sketchbooks, diaries, articles, expedition journals and field notes, and photographs.
  • Macaw Landing Foundation - The Macaw Landing Foundation is dedicated to the preservation of macaws through breeding, research, and public education.
  • Maryland Ornithological Society - MOS is a nonprofit organization composed of people who are interested in birds and nature.
  • Maudoc birding - Birdwatching? Here photos, software, links and ... stamps
  • Natural History Museums - Listing of major natural history collections and museums (primarily for birds) in North America.
  • North West Mute Swan Study - Home page for a Ringing program of Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) in NW England
  • Ontario Field Ornithologists - Our group consists of the following: Ontario Birds Records Committee, Free Field trips all over the province, etc.
  • The Ornithological Society of Cecil County - A chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society, the OSCC invites you to browse our homepage and explore our birding links.
  • Ornithology [Culterty Field Station]
  • Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Patuxent's Mission: To excel in wildlife and natural resource science, providing infomation needed to better manage the nation's biological resources.
  • The Peregrine Fund - Works globally conserving biological diversity & enhancing environmental health by focusing on birds. Restores endangered species, conserves habitat, educates & trains conservationists.
  • Pet Bird Page, The - Descriptions, pictures, and list of owners of pet parrots.
  • Pilgrim's Inn - A Bed & Breakfast Inn that focusses on bird watching. The Inn offers spring programs with nationally known speakers on bird migration and more.
  • Racing Pigeons - A service giving the principles of the sport of Racing Pigeons in the U.K.
  • Raptor Center, The - provides information about birds of prey, endangered/threatened birds, and related environmental issues. This Web has a wide range of material, appropriate for k-12 students & veterinary medical professionals.
  • Rec.Pets.Birds Homepage
  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - The RSPB is the charity that takes action for wild birds and the environment
  • RSPB The Weymouth Reserves - British national birdwatching and environmental organisation
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbirds - request for sightings of color-marked Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.
  • The Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network - Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization, takes in over 2500 animals annually. Oiled seabirds, endangered brown pelicans, raptors and small mammals.
  • Shorebird Migration Page - updates the status of the current shorebird migration in the lower 48 states by assimilating the information reported on the local Rare Bird Alerts.
  • South Carolina Ducks Unlimited - South Carolina Ducks Unlimited Home Page with connections to other environmental groups.
  • Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory - Dedicated to the conservation of the birds of southeastern Arizona.
  • South Shore Bird Club - A Southeastern Massachusetts birdwatching club that leads outdoor trips and indoor programs.
  • Southwestern Willow Flycatcher - Colorado Plateau Research Station
  • Texas Dove Hunting Company - Lonestar Premier Outdoors offers a wide variety of dove hunts in the Texas area for individuals, families, businesses and organizations. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • Texas Ornithological Society - Dedicated to the Conservation of Birds in Texas
  • Turkey Vulture Society - A non-profit corporation dedicated to ornithology, especially for the turkey vulture (cathartes aura) and other raptors.
  • Tweeters - An archive of daily email digests; A gallery of bird photos; Links to other regional, national and international Sites
  • Up At Six Aviaries contains Online Information for Bird Basics!, a custom bird breeder/hobbyiest record keeping program as well as online links to various other bird related sites.
  • The Virtual Emu Established in 1901, the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU) is one of Australia's major conservation organisations. We provide information on our bird research programs, threatened species lists, and general news about birding in Australia.
  • The Washington bobwhite Quail Farm Info Page - This is a home page with multimedia programs and info packets about quail. A quail info must!!
  • Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network - A voluntary, nonregulatory network to conserve shorebirds and their habitats

    American Birding Association, Inc.
    P.O. Box 6599
    Colorado Springs, CO 80934

    American Ornithologists Union
    P.O. Box 1897
    Lawrence KS 66044-8897

    Association of Field Ornithologists
    c/o Allen Press, Inc.
    P.O. Box 1897
    Lawrence, KS 66044

    Audobon Naturalist Society
    8940 Jones Mill Rd.
    Chevy Chase, MD 20815

    Boreal Owl
    Box 1053
    Komloopa BC
    V2C 6H2

    The Brooks Bird Club, Inc.
    707 Warwood Ave.
    Wheeling, WV 26003

    Cove Mallard Coalition
    POB 8968
    Moscow, ID 83843

    Kids For Conservation / Eagle Watch
    POB 78124
    Tucson, AZ 85703

    Hawk Migration Association of North America
    4304 Santa Anna Drive
    Columbia, MO 65201

    Hawkwatch International
    P.O. 35706
    Albuquerque, NM 87176-5706

    Inland Bird Banding Association
    R.D. 2, Box 26
    Wisner, NE 68791

    International Council for Bird Preservation
    c/o /WWF-US
    1250 24th St., NW
    Washington, DC 20037

    International Crane Foundation (ICF)
    E-11376 Shady Lane Road
    Baraboo, WI 53913

    The National Audubon Society
    950 Third Ave.
    New York, NY 10022

    National Audubon Society Expedition Institute
    P.O. Box 170
    Readfield, ME 04355

    The National Eagle Foundation
    209 N. Main Street
    Galena, IL 61036

    National Foundation to Protect America's Eagles
    (a/k/a Save The Eagle)
    P.O. Box 120206
    Nashville, TN 37212

    The National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc.
    P.O. Box 530
    Edgefield, SC 29824

    North American Bluebird Society
    P.O. Box 6295
    Silver Spring, MD 20916

    Pacific Seabird Group
    Box 179/4505 University Way NE
    Seattle, WA 98105
    Contact: S. Speich, Editor
    E-mail: sspeich@azstarnet.com

    Rare Center for Tropical Bird Conservation
    1529 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19102

    Sarnia Exotic Bird Group
    102-1150 Afton Drive
    Sarnia Ontario Canada
    N7S 5B8
    Contact: Rich Brennan
    Phone: (519) 344-2721
    Description: We are a small group of exotic bird ownerrs and breeders concerned for the welfare of these beautiful species.

    Society for the Preservation of Birds of Prey
    P.O. Box 66070
    Los Angeles, CA 90066

    The Trumpeter Swan Society
    3800 County Rd. 24
    Maple Plain, MN 55359

    Western Bird Banding Association
    Department of Biology, CSU
    Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099

    Wilson Ornithological Society
    c/o Dr. John L. Zimmerman
    Division of Biology, Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

    The International Osprey Foundation
    P.O. Box 250
    Sanibel, FL 33957

    Quail Unlimited, Inc.
    P.O. Box 10041
    Augusta, GA 30903

    The Ruffed Grouse Society
    451 McCormick Rd.
    Coraopolis, PA 15108

    Whooping Crane Conservation Association Inc.
    1007 Carmet Ave.
    Lafayette, LA 70501

    World Pheasant Association
    P.O. Box 5, Lower Basildon
    Reading, RG8 9PF
    United Kingdom

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.