- The Born Free Foundation - Animal Welfare conservation Charity
- C.A.U.Z. for Worldwide Conservation - The Consortium of Aquariums, Universities and Zoos, founded in 1985, is a large international (searchable) database of scientists and educators who wish to share information about their interests and ongoing projects with others interested in wildlife conservation.
- Conservation International - CI is a nonprofit organization using science, economics, policy, and community involvement to promote biodiversity conservation worldwide.
- Ecology and Conservation Research Group - Open University of the UK
- Endangered Wildlife Trust's mission is to conserve the diversity of species in southern Africa.
- Feline Conservation Center - Dedicated to the protection and preservation of endangered felines.
- The Fund for Animals - Founded in 1967 "to speak for those who can't," The Fund for Animals is the nation's leading antihunting organization.
- International Wildlife Coalition - An advocacy organization working to preserve wildlife all over the world and home of the Whale Adoption Project.
- Lincolnshire Trust for Nature Conservation - Conserving wildlife and wild places in Lincolnshire. Promoting understanding and enjoyment of the natural world and the need for protection.
- New Mexico Wildlife Association - The primary goal of the NMWA is the creation of Wildlife West, a nature park featuring native New Mexico animals and plants, and using this park for educational purposes.
- The Peregrine Fund - Works globally conserving biological diversity & enhancing environmental health by focusing on birds. Restores endangered species, conserves habitat, educates & trains conservationists.
- Protected Areas Virtual Library - Provides links to information on the world's national park systems.
- Resource Development-Wildlife Website - This site focusses on the impact and mitigation of human activities on wildlife. Abstracts, images, relevant links, etc.
- Wildlife Conservation Society - The Wildlife Conservation Society works around the world to save wildlife.
- Zoo Check New Zealand - Zoo Check NZ committed to the promotion of conservation of wildlife in the wild and protection of captive wildlife