Home / Wildlife / Rhino
  • DragonRidge: Net-Refuge of the Rhino - Maximum linkage to RHINO info on the net with over 100 rhino links on board!
  • International Rhino Foundation - An organization committed to the conservation of all rhino species through support of intensive protection and research
  • Iwaba Safaris Zimbabwe - African wildlife conservation through utilisation
  • Rhinocity - (n.) 1. The state of being a rhino 2. A website for rhinos and rhino fans.
  • Save the Rhino International - Mount Kenya Climb - Save the Rhino International - Cape Town raises money and awareness for rhino projects around the world
  • Save the Rhino - Save the Rhino is a charitable organisation dedicated to preserving this dwindling and threatened species and raising international awareness to the plight of the Rhino.
  • SOS Rhino - SOS Rhino is part of the non-profit Rhinoceros Reproduction Program founded in 1983 by Dr. Nan Schaffer, with objectives to focus worldwide attention on the endangered rhino.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.