Home / Databases and Directories
  • Agricultural Genome Information Server is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Service and the National Agricultural Library. This server lets you browse and search the National Genetic Resources Program genome databases, AGRICOLA, and related biological information...
  • American University - Trade Environment Database - Trade Environment Database (TED) is a collection of several hundred case data that are coded using 28 differing criteria.
  • AquaNet is an information server for the aquatic world. Subject areas covered include aquaculture, conservation, education, fisheries, oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood.
  • Austin Environmental Directory is meant as a user-friendly guide to readers for learning about environmental issues, for identifying and purchasing environmental products, and for becoming involved in environmental organizations. The print version is distributed free to the Austin area.
  • Australian Environment On-line - Environmental Resources Information Network, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories
  • Aviva Directory - Directory offering a wide variety of topically organized websites, with a large collection of listings for environmental sciences, ecology, and environmental issues.
  • Be Green - News, studies and discussion on environmental topics including sustainability, green living, solar panels, conservation and wildlife protection.
  • California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES) is an information system designed to facilitate access to a variety of electronic data describing California's diverse resources including text, photos, satellite images, statistical databases, and GIS analysis.
  • Canadian Environmental Directory - Canada's standard environmental directory provides info. from their database, links to other sources. The starting point for Canadian data.
  • Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR) Providing environmentally relevant information with special regards to (Central and Eastern) Europe and LDCs.
  • Clora.net - Clora is a professionally edited site directory of website listings sorted by relevant topics and global regions. Submit your site and increase your online presence.
  • Delft University - The Environment & Energy Directory lists research at Delft University of Technology.
  • DEQ - Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - The Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency. Its purpose is environmental protection, which is facilitated through many interactive and data driven environmental online services.
  • Earth Directory - This environmental directory provides a sample of the approximately 3000 Web sites listed in its parent publication, “THE DIRECTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL WEB SITES - the definitive directory of the Environmental Movement on the Internet.
  • Earth's Environmental Experts Database - 3E is a fully searchable database of environmental experts throughout the world. Searching is free.
  • Earthline - It is the intention of this web site to fulfill 3 main purposes: 1) To help environmental and animal rights organizations achieve their goals by providing a conduit of information to the public and to businesses. This is designed to help bring more financial support, awareness, and volunteers to them. 2) To provide a vehicle for reporting the level of success acheived by each organization in protecting the environment, endangered species, and for preserving life in general. 3) To furnish information about the enterprises that are attempting to make an effort to protect the environment; or are sincerely finding ways of conducting business less harmful to the earth and it's inhabitants.
  • EarthTrends - A comprehensive online database,  maintained by the World Resources Institute, that focuses on the environmental, social, and economic trends that shape our world. A free online database that focuses on issues of sustainable development and the environment. This site draws statistical, graphic, and analytical information from over 40 internationally recognized data sources. Detailed documentation is provided for serious research.
  • Eco Business Links - A green directory with 13,000+ links.
  • EcoMall exclusively markets ecologically-sound merchandise that will help save the planet's limited resources and offers free information from the environmental community on current issues, a classified directory and a business services section.
  • Envirofacts: EPA's Data Warehouse - EPA has created an on-line retrevial of the data in its large national data systems through Envirofacts.
  • EnviroNET Australia - Environment Protection Agency
  • Environmental Databases - The Office of Pesticide Programs has three environmental databases that it uses to assess hazards to the environment and to wildlife, aquatic organisms, and plants: Ecotoxicity Database and Pesticide Fate Database.
  • Environmental FirstSearch is an interactive service enabling quick, easy access to information on environmentally sensitive sites. You can access updated information from numerous Federal, State and Local government databases.
  • Environmental Health and Toxicology is a comprehensive toxicology and environmental health web site. It has links to databases, bibliographies, tutorials, and other scientific and consumer-oriented resources, including TOXNET®, the free system of toxicology and environmental health databases.
  • Environmental Health Legislation Databases Guide - The Environmental Health databases track state legislation and statutes addressing environmental factors that may adversely impact human health or the ecological balances essential to long-term human health and environmental quality, whether in the natural or man-made environment.
  • Environment Index offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Environment Index contains more than 2.4 million records from more than 2,200 domestic and international titles going back to 1888 (including more than 1,350 active core titles) as well as more than 200 monographs. Environment Index also features an in-depth thesaurus, and author profiles will be provided for 6,500 authors in the discipline.
  • EPA Databases and Software - Environmental Data and Tools for Scientific Inquiry
  • EPA Envirofacts - Retrieve information from multiple sources of Envirofacts System Data for your area of interest
  • EPA's Environmental Data Registry - Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Data Registry
  • EPA Pesticide Database - The Office of Pesticide Programs has three environmental databases that it uses to assess hazards to the environment and to wildlife, aquatic organisms, and plants. Some of these databases are in the initial phases of development, while others are fully operational. A description of each of these databases along with their contacts are listed below.
  • Ezistreet Environment Directory - The environment category of the Ezistreet website directory listing sites relating to environmental sciences, the physical environment, and the biophysical environment.
  • FindLaw - Environmental Law Databases and Statistics
  • Florida Environmental Databases - This LFNH Database is an integrated statewide environmental database on Florida animals, plants, habitats and ecosystems that accesses bibliographic information from the state university libraries, bibliographic information from a customized bibliography created from comprehensive reference sources, full text database comprising 200 publications, and specimen information from the Florida Museum of Natural History records. It is searchable by keyword, specimen common name, specimen scientific name, and (eventually) by geographic location using name or coordinates.
  • Gardening Directory - Provides categorically sorted gardening links to interesting gardening sites. Includes topics such as organic gardening, horticultural resources, botanical gardens and pest and weed control.
  • Global Recycling Network is a virtual market-place set up on the Web to aid businesses worldwide in exchanging recyclable goods.
  • Gogreen2 Marketing Ltd provides an online environmental advertising and marketing solution promoting businesses, products and services for our clients.
  • Illinois EPA - Bureau of Land - The CERCLIS Database is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS)
  • IOWA Department of Natural Resources Databases - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is the government agency that leads Iowans in caring for their natural resources. It is responsible for maintaining state parks and forests, protecting the environment, and managing energy, fish, wildlife, and land and water resources in Iowa. Montana Natural Resource Information System , located in the Montana State Library, provides comprehensive access to information about Montana's natural resources to all Montanans through the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of that information in meaningful form.
  • My List of My - The original directory and guide for all sites "my" related. Step by step tutorials on how to navigate websites, member portals, bill pay and more!
  • NASA Global Change Master Directory contains over 3000 data set descriptions representing Earth science data held nationally and internationally, across agencies, universities, and research centers.
  • National Environmental Directory - Calculating Drawbacks And Benefits From Nuclear Energy Facts, Know In Depth About Water Pollution, A To Z Of Hazardous Waste Disposal, Complete Guide To The Spanish Regents, Know More About Renewable Resources, and more.
  • Natures List Environmental directory - All sites are validated by human editors in order to bring you only the best environmental resources, both regional and worldwide.
  • NHBS - Environment Bookstore is a specialist mail-order environmental bookstore that offers NHBS BookNet, a searchable catalog of over 40,000 books and other materials. Subjects include Biology, Botany, Ecology, Environment, Geology, Habitat, Marine & Freshwater Biology etc.
  • NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology Environmental Data - NIST data activities that support stewardship of the environment include remediation of environmental problems through the development of measurements, data, and models. NIST has served as a partner for both industry and measurement laboratories for many years in dealing with environmental concerns by providing the tools needed for sustainable development and the shared goals of environmental protection and socio-economic growth.
  • The Ocean Disposal Database (ODD) - A searchable database of ocean disposed dredging projects and data concerning ocean disposal sites
  • OSHA DATA Web Site - OSHA Compliance History Information Service
  • Ovid Environmental Science Database - The Environmental Science Database provides access to international scientific literature relating to all aspects of environmental quality, monitoring, resource management and conservation. Covering the dynamic interactions which occur between its biological (microorganism, plant, animal and human), physical and chemical components both in relation to the productivity, resource development, utilization and conservation of soil, land and freshwater resources, and to their pollution and degradation by natural and anthropogenic agencies and associated remediation technologies, the Environmental Science Database provides access to international scientific literature relating to all aspects of environmental quality, monitoring, resource management and conservation.
  • ProQuest Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt - This multidisciplinary database, provides unparalleled and comprehensive coverage of the environmental sciences. Abstracts and citations are drawn from over 10,000 serials including scientific journals, conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books and government publications.
  • Right-to-Know Network  provides free public access to environmental information from several databases managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With the information available on RTK Net, you can identify specific factories and their environmental effects, and assess how people and communities may be affected. Through RTK Net, you can access databases dealing with: Toxic pollution (TRI), Generation and transport of hazardous wastes (BRS), Handlers of hazardous wastes (RCRIS), Spills of hazardous materials (ERNS) and Plans for dealing with emergencies (RMP).
  • Service Guidence - Accurate and detailed step-by-step guidance, together with insights of user experience, to help you better enjoy all kinds of online services.
  • Skin Deep Cosmetics Database - It's our mission at Environmental Working Group to use the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG's Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals. We launched Skin Deep in 2004 to create online safety profiles for cosmetics and personal care products. Our aim is to fill in where industry and government leave off. Our staff scientists compare the ingredients on personal care product labels and websites to information in nearly 60 toxicity and regulatory databases.
  • SRC Environmental Fate Data Base (EFDB) - SRC’s mission is to help keep America safe and strong by protecting its people, environment and way of life. We will do this by focusing on our customers’ needs through the innovative application of science, technology and information to solve problems of national significance.
  • The Directory of Environmental Web Sites - The environmental directory below provides a sample of the approximately 3000 Web sites listed in its parent publication, “THE DIRECTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL WEB SITES” - the definitive directory of the Environmental Movement on the Internet.
  • U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Environmental Management Databases
  • Washington Department of Ecology Databases - This page provides direct access to Ecology's on-line databases.
  • Web Directory - A business web directory featuring business related websites for the benefit of internet users.
  • Web Directory - Web Directory by Internet Web Directory is the system collect a list of sites in each web directory category and then storing them into the internet web categories which have the main category and sub-categories for easily searching by the searcher. The title and body content must be relevant each other.
  • Web Directory Indonesia - Web Directory Indonesia, Web directory site for Indonesia Sites.
  • Welcome to RTK NET - An online service that provides community access to EPA Databases concerning toxic waste, Superfund, and other environmental regulations, as well as free environmental documents, newsletters, and conferences.
  • Wick Geek - Wick Geek is an online portal that has step by step instructions and processes on how to utilize different websites and their online services for your needs.
  • www.formsmax.com - Download thousands of well-organized forms & templates for free, to edit and/or print. Including Business, Education, Legal, Finance, Life, Miscellaneous, and more.
  • Yahoo! Environment and Nature is the environmental section of Yahoo

    Corporative Environmental Data Clearinghouse
    30 Irving Place
    New York, NY 10003

    The Datacenter
    464 19th St.
    Oakland, CA 94612

    Environmental Media Services
    1606 20th Street, N.W.
    2nd floor
    Washington, D.C. 20009
    Contact: Chris DeCardy
    Phone: 202/483-0664
    Fax: 202/332-1915
    E-mail: fenton@fenton.com

    Meeman Archive
    School of Natural Resources
    The Univ. of Michigan
    2036 Dana Building
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Clean Harbors

Solving tough problems through innovation and proven methodology. For more than 35 years, Clean Harbors has been providing comprehensive hazardous and non-hazardous waste management services to meet the needs of customers throughout North America. Clean Harbors leverages its specialized equipment, expertise, responsiveness and disposal assets across North America to provide turnkey Industrial and Field Services to our customers. Clean Harbors Oil, Gas and Lodging Services provide safe and effective practices and techniques to handle your oil and gas industry needs.

Global Environmental Services Ltd.

GES, Global Environmental Services Ltd. Is a full-service environmental firm specializing in the integrated water and wastewater management, including waste management, cleaner production and bioremediation, is your first address and single source for all your water and environmental needs. GES, specialized in planning, design, installation of water, waste and wastewater treatment facilities, Swimming pools & Renewable Energy, The company engages in the desalination of seawater and brackish water, natural, conventional and advanced wastewater treatment technologies, biosolids stabilization and effluent reclamation, application of special chemicals for water purification, operation and maintenance of landfills, water and wastewater treatment systems.

Santa Barbara

Discover the city of Santa Barbara, California, the birthplace of Earth Day. A 1969 oil platform blowout off the coast of Santa Barbara led to a wave of environmental laws nationwide. That gave impetus to what we consider now the cornerstones to the modern environmental movement. A year later, the first Earth Day was held followed by the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. A succession of other laws protecting water, marine life and endangered species followed.